Legal notices

In accordance with the provisions of Articles 6-III and 19 of the Law for Confidence in the Digital Economy, as well as the Order of 10 January 2017 relating to consumer information by professionals involved in a property transaction. We would like to inform you that our price list is available on our website, or on request by e-mail, post, telephone or from the contact section. The following personal data may be collected on the site:

Personal data

Use of the Site is subject to compliance with the conditions below. Accessing and browsing the Site implies acceptance of these conditions: Site: refers to the Internet site accessed via your Internet browser. The Agency: refers to the real estate agency(ies) present on the Website, which publishes the advertisements and collects the data entered by the Internet user on the contact forms. The personal data that may be collected on the Site is as follows: Cookies : Cookies are used, in the context of the use of the Site, to collect certain information (in particular, your IP address, information relating to the computer used for browsing, the connection method, the type and version of Internet browser, the operating system and other technical identifiers or the URL address of connections, including the date and time, as well as the content accessed). You can deactivate cookies using your browser settings. Contact form: Your surname, first name, e-mail address and message are collected when you fill in the contact form. The main uses of your personal data are as follows: managing our relationship with you; providing personalised content and services based on your browsing history, preferences and interests; When certain information

  • Cookies: Cookies are used when you use the Site in order to collect certain information (in particular, your IP address, information relating to the computer used for browsing, the connection method, the type and version of Internet browser, the operating system and other technical identifiers or the URL address of connections, including the date and time, as well as the content accessed). You can deactivate cookies using your browser settings. :
  • Contact form: When you fill in the contact form, we collect your surname, first name, e-mail address and your message. :

Policy on cold calling

We would like to inform you of your right to register on the opposition list for telephone canvassing and suggest that you register on Bloctel. Bloctel is the opposition list for telephone canvassing on which any consumer can register free of charge in order to no longer be canvassed by telephone by a professional with whom they have no current contractual relationship, in accordance with Law No. 2014-344 of 17 March 2014 on consumption. The law specifies that it is forbidden for any professional, directly or through a third party acting on their behalf, to cold call a consumer on this list, with the exception of the cases listed by law. For further information:

Legal information about IBPG

  • IBPG, Kolokotroni 9, kifissia, Κολοκοτρώνη 9, Κηφισιά 145 61 Kifissia Greece :
  • Tel: +30 21 0691 8330 :
  • IPI-authorized real estate agent : IPI N° 103 124 512 258 :
  • Entreprise number : BE-0463.031.676 :
  • Supervisory authority: BIV, rue du Luxemburg 16B, 1000 Brussels - :

Use of cookies

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file that websites save on your computer or mobile device when you visit them. It enables these sites to remember your actions and preferences (user name, language, font size and other display settings) for a given period of time, so that you do not have to re-enter this information each time you visit these sites or navigate from one page to another.

How can I deactivate cookies?

You can control and/or delete cookies as you wish. To find out more, visit You can delete all cookies already stored on your computer and configure most browsers to block them. However, in this case, you may have to indicate certain preferences yourself each time you visit a site, and certain services and functions may not be accessible.

Why do we use cookies?

We use cookies to: manage your preferences when browsing the site, improve our services and enable audience measurement, other cookies may be added by third-party applications such as social network sharing buttons.